Players can earn Explore-to-Earn (E2E) rewards by completing Chapters on any type of Dungeon.
The calculation for the E2E rewards distribution are as follows:
Determine whether the exploration result of the player exceeds the average (>50%) exploration results of the Dungeon.
If it does not exceed the average, the rewards are calculated by:
E2E Rewards = exploration cost * (cleared chapter/maximum chapter) ^ 0.8
If it exceeds the average, the rewards are calculated by:
E2E Rewards = ticket cost + clearance chapter ^ 4/base number
Example E2E Distribution
Scenario 1 - Player does not exceed the average exploration results.
Average Exploration Results (50% of players) = 3 Chapters
Total Chapters on Dungeon = 6 Chapters
Exploration cost = 2 GP
Chapters completed by player = 1
E2E rewards calculation = 2 * (1/6) ^ 0.8
🎁 The E2E rewards received by the player = 0.47 GP 🎁
Total profit = -1.53 GP 👎
Scenario 2 - Player exceeds the average exploration results.
Average Exploration Results (50% of players) = 3 Chapters
Total Chapters on Dungeon = 6 Chapters
Exploration cost = 2 GP
Chapters completed by player = 3
E2E rewards calculation = 2 + 3 ^ 4/(1 ^ 4 + 2 ^ 4 + 3 ^ 4 + 4 ^ 4 + 5 ^ 4+6^4) * 50
🎁 The E2E rewards received by the player will be = 3.78 GP 🎁
Total profit = 1.78 GP 👍
TLDR: Beat the average exploration results to earn more than your exploration cost.
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