How to Play (Basic)
The goal here is to complete all the Chapters on a Dungeon within the time limit. As an Adventurer, you need to do three things: Read, Decide and Roll!
Basic Gameplay: Exploring
1. Read the story 📖
Each Dungeon consists of multiple Chapters that comes with its own unique scenario and challenges. Read through the story of each Chapter to understand how to best overcome each challenge.
2. Decide your action ⚔️
After that, select what action you would like to take. If you're unsatisfied with the action prompts given, you can create your own action prompt.
3. Roll the Dice 🎲
Your fate lies in the 20-sided die. Whether you succeed or fail all depends on your dice roll. The general rule of thumb is, the higher the number you roll, the better your chance of winning.
When it comes to overcoming challenges, there are two type of encounters: combat and non-combat. Let's understand how to win each encounter.
🛡️ Combat Encounter 🛡️
In combat mode, the attributes that are in-play are HP, DMG, and DEF. Here's how it works:
Each party will take turns rolling the die. The party with a higher DEX attribute will roll first.
Rolling outcome:
If (Attacker Roll – Defender Roll) > 0, then Defender loses HP
If (Attacker Roll – Defender Roll) < 0, then Defender intact
The challenge ends when a party's HP reaches zero.
🌱 Non-Combat Encounter 🌱
In non-combat mode, it's a battle to see who has a higher attribute. Depending on the action you took, you'll be competing in one of the four attributes: STR, DEX, INT or CHA. Here's how it works:
The player always roll first.
The final score is determined by attribute point + dice roll. For example: If it's a STR battle, then the final score would be [STR point (8) + dice roll (15)] = 23.
If your final score > NPC's final score, you win.
If NPC's final score > your final score, you lose.
TLDR: Roll higher number = Higher chance of winning ; vice versa.
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